Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Think About It Activity

Computerized reading can be defined as one way to write a document or assignment using computer as a tool.It was used to replace the old way of typing which is called handtyping. As we all know, computer has been used widespread in our community and it's easy to use for important works like writing assignment for the students and accomplishing the document for the employees. If compared to the handtyping,computer assisted writing can makes your work more systematic and excellent. From the activity that I put above, I assumed that you all that read my blog can solve that easy questions. The questions are asking six basic key of question, what, who, how, which, where and why. You can give whatever answer the question as long as it possible. The purpose of the activity is to train you to think more and write effectively. Software that I always used is Microsoft Word 2003. This softwre really give benefits to me.It makes my works a whole lot easier and faster. And one of examples of URL that host computerized writing activities is

Somene can improve writing by using the computer. We must practicing writing the document or simply a paragraph a day to make us feel comfortable with it. Maybe, we are the slow writer at first, but after many drills, we can type and write faster. Computar that has many good programs and softwares can guides us to write with clear instructions.It also stimulate you to do things better since we can do a correction and decoration. It can make us a good writer absolutely. Thank you.

1 comment:

pn zaini said...

Hi Salman,

I think you did not answer the questions related to this posting.

You need to pay attention to what is being discussed during tutorial.